Day 21 - The final test
Now, for your results…
Give your max effort for each of the exercise
Measure the following:
Number of push-ups you can do in a row without stopping…………
The number of pull-ups you can do in a row…………
Your 5-rep max bench press (see video below if needed)…………
Your deadlift 5RM…………
Back squat 5RM…………
The number of times you can military press 1/2 your body weight…………
The height of your vertical leap (watch this video for an easy way to measure)…………
2-mile run time…………
Longest timed plank hold (try for at least 2 min)…………
Longest jump rope streak (number of hops that you can do in a row without messing up)…………
Now, check your progress against day 0!!!