Week TWO: the Warm-up

Basketball in hand warm-up:

Perform this at the beginning of every workout. Feel free to add more challenging dribble drills or stretches as you go.

1 - Low dribble figure 8’s - 30 sec one way, 30 sec the opposite

Dribble both ways between legs

2 - Hamstrings stretch - ball to R foot for 30 sec, ball to L foot for 30 sec

Hold ball and place on toes when stretching each leg for 30 sec

3 - Side lunge groin stretch with ball wraps around each leg - 30 sec R, 30 sec L

Take a full side lunge and lean in to get stretch while wrapping around each leg for 30 sec each

4 - Ball-to-ground squat-jumps for 30 sec

Use a basketball to slam into the ground in a power dribble and then explode up.

5 - Deep squat groin stretch for 30 seconds

Use a basketball instead of a kettlebell and push elbows out to stretch the groin

6 - Pistol Pete's ball slams between the legs, catch behind the back - 30 sec

A classic - gotta do it

7 - 10 ball push-ups - alternate rolling ball to each hand

Complete 1 push-ups with ball in L hand and then roll the ball to the R hand while holding a plank and complete push-up number 2. Repeat until you reach 10 total.

8 - 10 dribble sit-ups R hand, followed by 10 dribble sit-ups L hand


Week ONE: Day 5


Week TWO: Halftime