Perfect Pull-ups

Excellent advice from Squat University. This is a must-watch for anyone doing pull-ups (and I’ll summarize below for you).

Summary and tips to a perfect pull-up:

  1. Start with a strong grip with your fingers wrapped all the way around the bar and knuckles pointing towards the ceiling. This will avoid overstraining your tendons which could lead to forearm pain at the elbow (medial epicondylitis).

  2. Tighten and stiffen your whole body - Pull your shoulder blades back and tighten up the muscles of your low back and core. Keep your legs in a locked position.

  3. Pull your sternum to the bar - NOT your chin! Don’t reach your chin over the bar. Pull the bar to your chest.

Next workout, try the McGill Pull-up Method: Perform 1-2 reps with maximal effort and perfect form with small breaks in between as you attempt a max set. More on McGill Pull-ups here.


Handstand Push-ups